Sunday, March 30, 2014

Represenative Trey Growdy on Harry Reid: "I Didn't Think Mormons Used Drugs"

Harry Reid has a blackbelt when it comes to making strange and outlandish statements. As one of America's most corrupt politicians, he doesn't shy away from controversy. For example, when Obama recently made his 26th, 27th, (I've lost count now) modification to his health care law by extending the deadline for when people sign up for ObamaCare, Harry Reid defended Obama's actions by claiming that the extension was necessary because "some people don’t know how to use the Internet." 
Despite the plethora of well documented stories of how ObamaCare has hurt people, Harry Reid claims that all of these horror stories are all untrue only to turn around and deny that he ever accused Republicans of lying about ObamaCare horror stories.
Perhaps the most jaw dropping comment comes from during the legislative battle over ObamaCare that lead to a government shutdown. The Republicans offered to fund the NIH and Harry Reid rejected that offer. When questioned why he would refuse to pass that a bill that would fund a program that helps children with cancer, here's Harry Reid's response: 

He also engages in some of the most outlandish and evil forms of demagoguery by telling unbelievable lies about other people or organizations. For example, Harry Reid made an stunning allegation that Mitt Romney hadn't paid his taxes in ten years during the 2012 Presidential election which was an absolute lie. More recently, Senator Reid bizzarely accused the Republican Party of colluding with Russia to annex Crimea which is untrue.
Those are just some of the more recent outlandish and bizzare statements that Harry Reid. When Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) went on the Mike Gallagher Radio Show on Friday and stated that "I didn't think Mormons used drugs" in response to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid strategy of (D-NV) downplaying of ObamaCare as a campaign issue in 2014. 

The idea that ObamaCare won't be a problem for Democrats in the 2014 midterm election and that the best solution to preventing Republicans from getting six or more seats in the Senate to gain a legislative majority is something that only someone who is completely high on drugs would believe. 
Harry Reid's political antics, outrageous comments and political strategy is the kind of odd and bizarre behavior one would expect from someone who has used illegal substances for too long. That is why a large majority of Mormons nodded their head in agreement when Trey Growdy made his statement.

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